These are Made Sukresna and his wife Cening. Made is called “Cilik” – his nick-name since his days in school - and our resort is called after him. Cilik has given the land for the central part of the resort and has built Villa West and Villa East together with Rüdiger.

Jersan Gedé is Cilik’s eldest son, married with Tri Utami Dewi. He got his BA in tourism manangement, and since 2015 he is the manager of our resort. Jersan is responsible for our booking system and all financals. As a host he feels obliged to the well being of our guests.

Nyoman heads the service team and is also in charge of the guest bills. Formerly, Nyoman was a fisherman and with great enthusiasm he still goes out to sea for fishing and for our boat tours. Over and above, he conducts a Gamelan orchestra. With all his skills, he keeps about 20 musicians together – and in good mood!
Ketut had been working for a travel agency in South-Bali and for many years has taken guests around the island. Now he is part of the service team in Air Sanih, takes guests for tours around the island, and helps with the transport from and to the airport. Make use of his intimate knowledge of Bali and engage him for a tour.
Komang is Ketut’s wife and our second cook. She is responsible for baking the bread, the tasty poppy-seed and sesame sticks, as well as preparing the tropical marmalades. Nowhere on Bali you’ll find such a savory poppy-seed rye bread, a sunflower-seed bread with such an aromatic crust, or white bread so close to a Swiss “Tresse au Beurre”.

For many years Putra has taken care of house and garden of Villa East. In the morning he looks after the beach in front of the house, and while you enjoy breakfast, he cleans your rooms. During the day, he pays attention that the sea terrace, the pavilion and the garden stay in impeccable condition. In case you have some requests during the day or there is something to do in the house or the garden, be sure, Putra is only a call away.
He is a younger brother of Nyoman and a dedicated and gifted gamelan musician. For two years now he lends a hand to Putra, Made and Wayan with garden work. He takes care that the area around the parking lot, between the houses of the Balinese partners and the CBG office is well tended. Sometimes he also helps out as a driver.

Mali is our second night guard. He is responsible for your safety in Oktagon and Lumbung during the night.

Nengah is our massage therapist. Her massage is extraordinarily competent. You can enjoy this kind of well-being at an affordable price.

Yuni is our external partner for massage, and yoga. Besides massage and yoga, she also completed an education in meditation techniques. On previous orders, she is available with her experience and skills.